What is Clear + Brilliant® Treatment and What Does it Do For Your Skin?

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Clear & Brilliant is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment, without injections, that after a series of treatments will give your skin a smoother, more youthful, and fresher-looking radiant glow with little to no downtime. 

Your session will begin after consultation with Jane Sher, RN to see if Clear + Brilliant is the right treatment regimen for your skin. Before beginning your 30-minute session with Clear + Brilliant a topical cream will be applied to your skin to numb your face prior to your treatment. This is done in order to provide you with gentle comfort during your session. 

Jane will guide the Clear + Brilliant handpiece over the targeted area for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. By using the Clear + Brilliant patented technology, Optical Tracking®, she will ensure that Clear + Brilliant has been applied uniformly to all areas that are being treated. Clear + Brilliant creates hundreds of thousands of microscopic treatment zones in the upper layers of your skin and replaces damaged skin with healthier-looking tissue giving you a younger and more improved skin tone and texture. 

While your Clear + Brilliant treatments are gentle you may experience some redness and slight inflammation immediately after your treatment but it tends to resolve over the next couple of hours and may last until the next day. However, the results of your Clear + Brilliant treatment will be immediate and long-term. Your skin will feel softer and look brighter after your treatment. With every subsequent treatment, your results will be even more noticeable. Jane will be able to discuss a personalized treatment plan with you so you can achieve optimal results.

If you want to fight the early signs of aging that include:

  • Improving the look of your fine lines
  • Improving your skin tone and texture
  • Minimizing the appearance of pores
  • Improving your skin’s overall appearance

Or, if you want to maintain your youthful appearance, a Clear + Brilliant treatment might be the treatment for you.  As one of the most popular and sought-after cosmetic dermatology treatments that improve the health and vitality of your skin, Clear + Brilliant can help:

  • Renew your youthful glow
  • Improve the elasticity of your skin
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Remove or lighten your dark spots
  • Improve the appearance of your skin 

While most patients will see a visible improvement after 4 to 6 treatments, you may want to include the Clear + Brilliant treatment as part of your overall skin regimen. You can discuss a personalized treatment plan with Jane Scher, RN by contacting her at 917.336.7927 to schedule your appointment or by clicking here to make an appointment.

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